brightside sys! 🪷🌈

info about me !! osdd1b system 💝 bodily 18 collectively he/it <333 bodily asian
autistic and stupid ...

other names. . . minion tampon system /j
corvus's carrd
system rentry
our simply plural is brightsidesys

tws/cws csa, sa, ed/sh, emetophobia, paranoia-inducing imagery

before you follow. fictive-heavy system, we have several subsystems, we use a lot of caps + emojis (depends on who is fronting)

do not interact. endo systems + supporters, basic dni criteria, proship + nsfw, bodily under 13, ed/sh community, dream apologists

Now Playing "No Surprises" by Radiohead ⭐ a heart that's full up like a landfill. a job that slowly kills you. bruises that won't heal. you look so tired, unhappy. bring down the government. they don't…they don’t speak for us. i'll take a quiet life... a handshake of carbon monoxide.

My Beloveds

my moots + friends !! 💝 your mom, etc